An example of a typical day at YYM may include:
- Up to 1-hour principal study tuition (including Indian and Western Classical instrumental & vocal, Jazz and composition).
- 30-minute second study tuition or Keyboard Skills
- 45-minute ensemble lesson
- 2 or 3 enrichment options, individually tailored and designed to enhance musicianship, in addition to individual tuition. They include classes in Music Theory, Dalcroze Eurhythmics, Composition, Improvisation, Jazz Musicianship, Music Production and Aural.

Each student has an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) which tailors your lessons and classes to your musical needs. This is worked out with your tutors and the Head of YYM at the start of the year, to ensure you are accessing the classes that help develop your musical skills. It will also include internal & external performance and ensemble commitments.

It is expected that each student continues to dedicate significant time to practice throughout the week, to ensure continued progression. YYMers Re-audition for their place each year in the following modules; Mid-Year Assessment, End of Year Recital and written reports from tutors.