1. Is YYM right for you?
Firstly, visit the Who is YYM for? page to find out whether the approach to learning music offered by YYM is right for you (or your pupil or offspring if you are a teacher or parent/carer) or phone the office for advice.
2. Fill in the online application form
Click the button below and fill in the form, which asks information about you and your musical studies to date.
Alternatively, call YYM on 07498 904345

3. Ask your current teacher to fill in the online form
When you have completed all of Part 1 of the application form and submitted it, ask your teacher to fill in the Teacher’s form on this website – link below.

5. YYM Auditions
All prospective students for Yorkshire Young Musicians (YYM) will be invited for an audition with the Head of YYM. This may be a video submission or a live audition. Following successful application, you will be invited to an informal interview to answer any questions you may have about YYM and for us to find out more about you and your musical aspirations and experiences. You will be notified of the result within two weeks.
What to expect
Video submissions; To accompany the YYM application form, a video recording should be submitted to the Head of YYM (a video transfer may be necessary, depending on the size of the video file). You should perform two pieces of contrasting style on your first instrument and one piece on your second instrument, if you have one. Please ensure the video shows as much of you as possible (not just your hands)!
For live auditions; You should perform two pieces of contrasting style on your first instrument and one piece on your second instrument, if you have one.
Above all, we want this to be a good opportunity for you to perform so try to keep relaxed and ENJOY IT!